In regard to the “sorceries” of Revelation 9:21 and 18:23, “for through your sorcery were all the nations deceived,” skirting the by now largely antiquated forms of the throne and the ecclesiastical hierarchy and their much faded likeness in the dictator and the Party, we may say that arrangements of convenience and their institutional expressions that may appear within an overwhelmingly elitist society such as that of contemporary France, whose wealth is mainly generated outside her borders and in which temporary equilibrium between elements all of which are something other than lower class may be sought first by one technique and then by another are to be simply disregarded — of course in the short run, operating within such a society, we take what is offered to us and press for more — for we remember the struggle between just such elements leading to the emergence of Parliamentary and “representative” government in Britain at the time when the wealth of that island was derived almost entirely from the slave trade and the exploitation of slave labor in the West Indies and elsewhere (though the first of that spectrum of culture forms indigenous to this continent whose regions taken together comprise the American culture zone of our day, being that of the people of Jamaica, Belize and with certain exceptions the entire West Indies chain out to Barbados including by now the widespread and highly significant but of course much vilified all lower class Christian communalist movement known as Rastafarian, emerged thereby as a most unintended byproduct as from the iron furnace of Egypt), and as she is still known in Ireland, both within the British occupation zone and the nominally independent Republic, to this day: “England of the wily words — a crafty, treacherous foe.” The many peasant societies that have been trampled upon and tormented by the rulers and the wealthy of England will never forget her, though she made weakness seem magnanimity when she was driven from her Empire in order to project an image within the Celtic lands, that she might at least retain them, as of a dowager who has given a certain amount to charity and never missed it or even remembered exactly what the sum was, seeking to frustrate the emergence of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, and Brittany, this latter occupied these many ages like Corsica, Alsace and the north of the Basque country by the French, as an independent Pan-Celtic League (even as the Yugoslav state, now called socialist and progressive, a beacon for the unaligned, has represented this past some sixty-five years a strange though diminutive, ever more atavistic, form of imperialist rule through which the small Serbian nationality has been granted dominion over large numbers of Albanians, Bulgarians, Slovenes and Croatians, that cannot but call to mind most forcefully as well that of the Russian over the non-Russian half of all Soviet subjects — not to refer, of course, to the wider East European empire, or the current expansionist effort in Afghanistan, a salient pointing to the coast of the Arabian Sea and the mouth of the Persian Gulf, the detachment of Mongolia and the never-ending pressure on the Chinese frontier, the heavily subsidized Cuban client regime, or the function of Marxist ideology as a velvet sheath obscuring for the unwary the immutable goals of Russian nationalism — and in this manner rewarded for the unique contribution of June 28, 1914 of the entire Serbian state apparatus, as is known, to the striking down of Germany, the forthright and ever predictable one, given to mysticism and without guile, for having far too rapidly overtaken the land of the haw-haws in both industry and commerce); and as per the similarly motivated recent use of virtually the entire remnant of her navy in the South Atlantic to seize back the fruit of her nineteenth century aggression against Argentina. But in Ireland are those who could never forget eight hundred years of torment, sorrow and shame, no not in the haste of any moment at all, and those who are like them have grown to a vast multitude, hundreds of millions and even billions; and these say only, “Who knows what any day might bring forth now? God’s curse on you, England!” And perhaps she even thinks to flex an atrophied muscle to warn off those who would challenge the exclusive occupation by what is in world terms a mere handful of her settlers of the New Zealand archipelago and the island-continent of Australia, lands which — and even as Cuba, now grown old in evil, after the days of blockade and vengeance there, and the establishment of facilities for the North American Judaic — upon the application to them of elements of the modern technology, must surely come to form a natural extension of the far too circumscribed and constricted Indian homeland. Truly among themselves they only say, “A word or gesture while they might still rebel, but should they weaken beyond that...” — and as their heart’s inward thought revealed itself even to the point of genocide during the course of the Great Famine in Ireland. The ideology and movement to culminate in the uprooting of the entire system of tyranny and manipulation and its chain of social orders which are its aspects must take its rise wholly within the lower class, and the goal of ten thousand years be pursued until a victory that can no longer be snatched away by a conjuring of words, or however, has been achieved. But let us add by way of ramification that what is required for the largely elitist though, due to its indispensable function in the process of world liberation, and as discussed elsewhere, in all ways unique, American culture zone, is a Christian corporative theocracy as a transitional political form to undo the work and uproot the baleful influence of the Enlightenment, impervious to all subversion and bringing to the fore precisely those elements, that is speaking generally, those of the upper and lower as opposed to the currently dominant middle classes, truly these of the American upper class, not being reprobate or hostile to the system and program of truth but rather full-heartedly for us, who then become startled in wonder into the supernaturalistic and holy mind-set (though sufficiently intense nationalistic fervor could open the heart of elements of our middle class to the operation of this process as well, that our joy and the joy of Heaven might be fulfilled), most essential, but in accord with the Leader-principle embodied in the tribal and peasant response to conditions of extreme threat under the rule of that prophet-king of Psalm 72 and Proverbs 21:1 (and see Judges 2:18 and I Corinthians 4:8), whose name is John, for the accomplishment of the ideological, socio-economic and military aspects of the distinctive American world mission, forthrightly casting off thereby the tawdry and hypocritical pseudo-progressivist mantle — provoke, conquer, reconstruct — first assumed to crush our semi-autonomous internal colony and spread the factory system of the North throughout its territory, this far more horrendous in that day as regards the oppressed and exploited than Southern slavery with its panoply of social benefits, unique in their time in all the world though soon enough to be lost in an artificially imposed universal Southern nightmare, had been for generations, but latterly turned reflexive and worse than inadequate by far through that act of shame which was the standing with the Soviet enemy against men of transcendent zeal in whose hands, though not yet fully comprehended, was the key to true regeneration, and as discussed elsewhere, until, with the progressive loss of the elitist character of American life, this through a combination of factors, including establishment of the Christian democratic-communalist order for the whole of the American lower class, computer-based full rationalization of industry within a parallel elitist economy, vigorous pursuit of the liberation of ancestral homelands, the war against the Judaic and all his deeds, and universal identification of the system of truth as the American national ideology and thus the American himself as ideology-bearer for the whole race of men, this predicated on acceptance in full dignity and turning outward to all peoples of the Third World face of America — but yet it is self-evident that the American military is never to be dismantled or even reduced in potency but must remain inviolable as a world shield against international anarchy and aggression forever until the day the holy martyrs rise from the dead — it is subsumed together with all hitherto unincorporated elements within the Christian communalist democracy of the restored ancient peasant social order. And may we have the temerity to suggest even further after all that has passed since the Soviet enemy cum ally was spared his rightful deserts in 1945 that a profound and fundamental reorientation is now some decades overdue and has finally become simply and irrefutably a matter of survival, personal as well as national, in regard to the ever vacillating and counterproductive nature of our antiquated political form, child of the individualistic-Enlightenment philosophy of the first businessmen and saturated even on the highest levels of state policy with moralistic considerations drawn from the interpersonal sphere and predicated upon irregainable conditions of geographical isolation in the face of which a forthright response to the enemies of the society internal and external alike must perforce wither, which is the scorn of all lands and most especially of the Soviet Union. But of that and in particular of the Russian as the core element of the Marxist empire, even the people of the Soviet heartland — truly they shall labor in the fire and be weary — we need only say, “Delenda est Carthago,” for never was there a movement predicated on the mind-set of the lower class that failed to include the ageless maxim, “The enemy spared today might kill you tomorrow.”
Across the sea, corpses in the water; I was a black hen who gave birth to a hawk,
Across the mountain, corpses in the field. And such good fortune is more than I deserve.
I shall die only for the Emperor, I wanted to show you your Order of the Golden Kite,
I shall never look back. And have come to see you, my son, at Kudanzaka.
— Umi Yukaba — from the Song of Kudanzaka (Japan),
site of the Yasukuni Fallen Heroes Shrine
Who can understand the transcendent qualities past all knowing of the heart of fire and steel of the Japanese, who stood in battle with one foot here and the other in the Hidden World? And how awesome even today is the naval potential of Japan as the third greatest industrial power on earth, and how urgent is her need to counter the threat posed to her as to us by the massively expanding Soviet Navy. And there under the heel of the Russian, who numbers as a publican the tally of days until all rule is his alone and the irreconcilable among the nations whom he now thinks to destroy in a night, he of many guns but empty cupboards who does not leave so much as a broken chair when he ransacks a province, lies the vast immeasurably endowed bulk of Siberia, awaiting settlement and return in joy and triumph forever to the bosom of East Asia.
— Barry I. Hyman