1 Why, O LORD, do You stand far off and hide Yourself in times of trouble?
2 The wicked one in his arrogance persecutes the poor; but they will be caught through the schemes that they have themselves devised!
3 For the wicked one praises himself because of the attainment of his desire; the covetous one blesses himself, but blasphemes the LORD.
4 The wicked one in accordance with the haughtiness displayed in his visage will not seek after God; the substance of all his thoughts is, “God does not exist!”
5 His ways have always been successful; Your judgments are high out of his presence; he huffs in scorn at all his enemies.
6 He has said in his heart, “I shall not be dislodged; no evil shall occur to me generation after generation.”
7 His mouth is filled with curses and with guile and deceit; under his tongue are vexatiousness and iniquity.
8 He sits in ambush in the villages; in the secreted places he murders the innocent; his eyes peer out stealthily as he waits for the powerless.
9 He lies in ambush in the secreted spot like a lion in its thicket; he lies in ambush to seize the poor; having seized the poor, he takes him off by dragging him away in his net.
10 So the powerless are crushed, brought low, and fall through his mighty ones.
11 He has said in his heart, “Apparently God has forgotten; He has hidden His face and will never look out!”
12 Rise up, O LORD! O God, lift up Your hand! Do not forget the humble.
13 Why should the wicked one blaspheme God? For he has said in his heart that You will not search this out.
14 But You have seen it, because You look after cases of vexatiousness and provocation to give their disposition over into Your hand. The powerless entrusts himself to You; You have always been the Helper of the orphan.
15 Break the arm of the wicked one, and search after the wickedness of the evil one until there isn’t any more there to be found.
16 As the LORD shall be King forever and ever, so shall the heathen be destroyed from His land!
17 You have heard the desire of the humble ones, O LORD. You have prepared their heart, You have caused Your ear to hear it --
18 To exact judgment for the orphan and the persecuted, in order that no one will again oppress even one man who is from the land.
— Translated by Barry I. Hyman